Sex Therapy

I specialize in working with individuals and people in relationships who are struggling with sexual concerns. I have experienced working with a wide variety of clients of differing ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic statuses. I have experience working with clients who identify as LGBTQ+ and I am kink/BDSM friendly. My clients tend to come to me to work on all sorts of sexual issues and I’m happy to work with anyone who is struggling with any facet of their sexuality, regardless of how big or small this issue may seem to you.

Sex therapy is a broad term and it encompasses a wide variety of sexual concerns. Here are some reasons why someone may seek sex therapy:

  • Low sexual desire
  • Differences in sexual desire within a relationship
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm
  • Difficulty maintaining an erection
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Navigating and negotiating sex in a polyamorous relationship
  • Understanding and exploring sexual identity
  • Reproductive concerns
  • Menopause and aging
  • Difficulty controlling sexual urges or impulses
  • Sexual trauma impacting current functioning
  • Divorce and separation

Sometimes treatment for sexual problems is brief and includes learning specific skills like how to better-communicate your sexual needs. Other times, it is more complicated because our past relationships, childhood trauma or abuse, or other things that are difficult to talk about can affect our sexuality.

If you are having sexual concerns, I encourage you to seek medical attention first, to rule-out any physical causes of these issues. Sometimes these issues can be caused by medication, so be sure to discuss any medications you may be taking with you doctor.

If you have specific questions about sex, sexuality, or anatomy, you contact San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI), which provides free, confidential, accurate, and non-judgmental information about sex at either (415) 989-SFSI (7374) or by email: You can also view their website ( for additional information and FAQs.