
My rates for services are comparable with other private practice psychologists in Santa Clara County. These rates cover not only your session fee, but also time spent between appointments on various tasks related to your case. I typically meet with clients on a weekly basis initially and we may decide to meet less frequently as treatment progresses or if needed due to financial hardship (if appropriate).

Individual Therapy

  • Initial 50 minute intake session – $250
  • Follow-up 45 minute sessions – $225

Couples/Relationship Therapy

  • Initial 50 minute intake session – $300
  • Follow-up 45 minute sessions – $250

I believe that everyone should have access to quality care, therefore I offer a limited number of sliding scale slots. If you are unable to afford my full fee, please let me know and I will let you know if I am able to accommodate your needs.


I am currently paneled with Lyra, which provides employees of certain businesses a set number of sessions per year. Employees who receive these benefits should discuss the benefits and confirm eligibility before scheduling any sessions. At this time, I am not accepting new Lyra clients.

Although I do not accept any other types of insurance at this time, it may be possible for you to receive reimbursement from your insurance provider for your treatment. Some insurance plans reimburse for out-of-pocket fees by covering “out-of-network” services. Please contact your insurance provider directly to discuss what your “out-of-network” benefits are, as each plan varies.

If you would like reimbursement from your insurance provider, please let me know and I will provide you with a monthly “superbill.” This is a document that you can submit to your insurance directly to receive reimbursement for your treatment. Please know that you will also receive a diagnosis that will be listed on your superbill to confirm “medical necessity” for treatment and that this diagnosis will become part of your medical record.

Why Don’t I Take Insurance?

First, not taking insurance ensures that I can protect your confidentiality to its fullest. When you see a therapist or mental health professional through your insurance provider, they collect your personal data, including: session frequency and duration; length of treatment; types of visits; and diagnostic codes. Additionally, the insurance provider has full access to all of your treatment documentation, including progress notes, treatment plans, and diagnostic evaluations.

Second, taking insurance is cost-prohibitive for clinicians, as reimbursement rates tend to be low, certain diagnoses are not covered under insurance plans, and claim denial is a common occurrence.