Couples/Relationship Therapy

Please note that as of July 31, 2020 I am not accepting new couples. I will resume meeting with new couples once I am able to meet in person again.

As your couples/relationship therapist, my primary focus is on the couple. I want to help you both improve communication, focusing back onto what you love and value about your partner(s) rather than on what you perceive as their weaknesses or what you’d like to change about them. I want to help you learn to work better as a team, identifying common goals, and re-thinking how romance is integrated into your relationship. Oftentimes couples and relationship therapy is part of sex therapy, as it can be difficult to work on sexual issues without addressing overarching relationship issues.

I work with folks in various relationship structures and I believe that, as long as both/all partners want to improve their relationship, it is possible to improve any relationship. I work with heterosexual and LGBTQ+ clients and I’m happy working with clients in any relationship structure. I have experience working with folks in monogamous, consensually non-monogamous, polyamorous, etc. relationships.